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Djibouti Towers Africa's Tallest Skyscrapers
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Djibouti Towers Africa's Tallest Skyscrapers


The impressive Djibouti Towers, set to become the tallest complex of skyscrapers in Africa, is a stunning symbol of the country's national pride and peace granted by independence. Composed of three interlocking volumes, each one representing a different part of Djibouti's history, the towers are breathtakingly beautiful and bold.

The central tower honors the country's national symbols with a slim spear-like design featuring a shield, star, and rotating ball symbolizing unity among African cultures. Flanking it are two identical structures resembling traditional daggers adorned with elements of a laurel wreath — an ode to the freedom granted on June 27th, 1977. Not only is this architectural feat stunning to behold, but it also promises an exciting future for its local community; Djibouti Towers is expected to become an influential cultural and business center housing shops, restaurants, cinemas, hotels, and concert halls. Here we will be able to experience the unique, vibrant nightlife and enjoy incredible views from luxurious suites high up in the sky.

This jaw-dropping 43-story marvel has already had architects captivated across continents. Its brilliant design has proved to be both politically meaningful and aesthetically remarkable as we anticipate a monumental shift for its surroundings in the coming years ahead.

Photos Credit: 
Alex Wizhevsky
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