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HAADS Floating Hotel has a Self-Powered Rotation Structure
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HAADS Floating Hotel has a Self-Powered Rotation Structure


The architectural firm, Hayri Atak Design Studio, has unveiled a truly remarkable project that is currently taking shape in Qatar - the innovative HAADS Floating Hotel. This self-powered rotating structure stands firmly on the surface of the Persian Gulf and stretches out from the shores of this Arab country.

The ambitious design features a circular volume that is capable of completing one full rotation every day thanks to its dynamic positioning system. A captivating glass vortex roof occupies the center of the hotel, providing both aesthetic magnificence and practical functionality by collecting rainwater for hotel greenery. The cutting-edge eco-friendly construction also relies on solar panels and wind turbines to provide power, making it an energy-efficient and sustainable marvel.

More than a pretty face, though, HAADS Floating Hotel offers 152 luxuriously appointed rooms, each with its own balcony overlooking breathtaking views from the sea. Guests can also enjoy access to exclusive amenities such as indoor and outdoor swimming pools, sauna, spa, and gym for maximum comfort during their stay. Set to be completed by 2025, this stunning feat of architecture promises to become a unique sightseeing attraction in Qatar.

HAADS Floating Hotel
HAADS Floating Hotel
HAADS Floating Hotel
HAADS Floating Hotel
HAADS Floating Hotel
HAADS Floating Hotel
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