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Samsung SmartThings Hub 3rd Gen
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Samsung SmartThings Hub 3rd Gen


Every smart home need's a brain, and Samsung Smartthings has a heck of a brain. Smartthings bought by Samsung to her line of products and devices, and make a significant change in the smart homes in the past few years. Every Smart-Device is supposedly "stupid" until he connects to the brain - the Hub. The 3rd gen is a lot better, smarter, and stronger than its predecessor.

The hub can control monitoring devices, leak sensors, motion sensors, Amazon Alexa, and a lot more compatible devices with the most known brands on the market. The hub can interact with Zigbee, Z-Wave, Cloud to Cloud, WiFI, and LAN devices.

Connect your whole home with Smartthings

The unusual thing that you can make the devices talk to each other in a seamlessly way. Through Automation, you can tell which sensors, whether it is motion, contacts, or water leaks, will operate according to your presence. Connect your LIFX Lights, Door Locks and video door doorbells like RING or NEST Hello through your scene and automation.

For example, when you come home your lights will be turned on to a specific color or temperature, your TV will be turned on, and your thermostat will be up and running according to the weather outside or your personal preferences. Connect all with Samsung Smart Appliances like Air Conditioner, Fridge, TV, Washing machine, and more. Therefore; the TV can do a lot more than turn On /Off. There is no limit what Samsung Smarthings can do with all of the devices, and not just that. She has integrated with IFTTT so you can connect other services like your calendar and Spotify and the list goes on and on.

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