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Cavalier Air Bluetooth and WiFi Speaker
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Cavalier Air Bluetooth and WiFi Speaker


Cavalier Air Bluetooth and WiFi Speaker is not your ordinary room area speaker. The Cavalier Air is more than that; It is getting smarter over time and has an Amazon Alexa built-in. The speaker has a 20W Stereo system, 2 active drivers, and two passive radiators.

The Cavalier Air Bluetooth and WiFi Speaker have got many features that are essential to our convenience. With the Alexa voice control, you can connect and play. From apps like Spotify, Amazon Music, Pandor, Audible, and more. The materials of the speakers are the top premium genuine leather and high-quality acoustic fabric with aluminum chassis. While the Air speaker is playing via Bluetooth or Wireless connectivity, you can charge your device with the Qi Wireless Charging deck. Therefore, most importantly, it has a Fast 2.4A USB charging for multiple devices. When we mention that is more than just a speaker, we meant that. The Cavalier speaker has a Secret-til-lit LED Display that displays a programmable clock via the app. The Programmable Smart Button used for default music control or playlists. Moreover, like the Alexa devices, the speaker has a privacy button for you the control the Microphone. In other words, The Cavalier Air speaker is get together all the useful features that we want and need for our convenient all-in-one.

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