Building a real-life replica of the world’s most iconic structure has never been easier, thanks to LEGO’s new Eiffel Tower set.
With 10,001 pieces laid out in intricate detail, you can easily construct a magnificent 4.8-foot tall structure that will awe and inspire everyone who lays their eyes on it. Every aspect of the tower is replicated faithfully, from the truss work and observation platform to the elevator and office at the top. Surrounding the tower is gorgeous landscaping and the unmistakable French “Tricolore” flag – a perfect way to show your patriotism without taking up too much space in your house! Plus, if you ever need to move it around, it conveniently breaks down into four separate sections for safe transport and easy reassembly.
From its exquisite design to its innovative construction concept, LEGO’s Eiffel Tower set is an incredible display of artistic excellence, engineering genius, and sheer creative vision.