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Journal 29 Revelation - Interactive Book Game
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Journal 29 Revelation - Interactive Book Game


Ever wanted something different from an adventure riddle game? Meet the Journal 29 Revelation – Interactive Book Game that takes you to a whole new level of puzzle game.

Journal 29 - tower riddle

The game goes like this, you have to solve riddles and puzzles, and you submit your answers online via the app. After your answers sent, you'll get the keys for you to move forward the game. Moreover, there's lots of different solving variation for the player to solve those riddles and puzzles. Furthermore, you can write, draw, search, fold pages, or combine different methods as you see fit. Journal 29 Revelation has 48 pages, with 63 riddles that blow your mind.

Journal 29 - door way riddle

Moreover, the story behind the journal is that a top-secret excavation got radio silence for 28 weeks. The result wasn't coming, and in the 29th week, something bizarre and unusual happens when the team disappeared and left the journal behind. To sum it up, it is a mesmerizing and thrilling game that combines your smartphone technology and Nathan Drake from Uncharted journal adventure for solving riddles. You can also use Alexa to give her command to help you with the game. Every two pages, you'll have the riddle page and the key page; it's different entertainment like never before.

Journal 29 - skulls riddle
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