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Lying Pirates: The Race for the Pirate Throne
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Lying Pirates: The Race for the Pirate Throne


Are you looking for a journey filled with excitement and danger? Then join the crew of Lying Pirates and set sail for Skull Island! This tactical adventure game is perfect for 2 to 6 players aged 12 and up. With its modular design, it allows for countless variations, so your experience will never be the same each time you play. Each round takes only 10 to 15 minutes per person, a great option if you're looking for an intense but brief gaming session with friends.

As you make your way from Port Royal to the Forsaken Temple, you'll compete with other pirates and sailors while honing your skills in strategy and bluffing. You'll face traps, rival factions and dangerous creatures that could thwart your efforts to claim the pirate throne – but don't worry! A little luck bestowed by a roll of the dice might help you succeed on this thrilling voyage. With its immersive themes and thrilling mechanics, Lying Pirates is guaranteed to provide an unforgettable experience. So gather your crew, sharpen your swords, ready yourself with wits and courage – it's time to take on Skull Island!

Lying Pirates: The Race for the Pirate Throne
Lying Pirates: The Race for the Pirate Throne
Lying Pirates: The Race for the Pirate Throne
Lying Pirates: The Race for the Pirate Throne
Lying Pirates: The Race for the Pirate Throne
Lying Pirates: The Race for the Pirate Throne
Lying Pirates: The Race for the Pirate Throne
Lying Pirates: The Race for the Pirate Throne
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