Monopoly Voice Banking Edition from Hasbro is the third edition with cashless gaming board. Mr. Monopoly hat, in the center of the gaming board, is controlling all the player's money, so there is no possible cheating. The voice control command list for each game has a command like: "balance", and "get out of jail."
However, not everything is by automatically played by Mr. Monopoly. Players still need to move across the board, and Mr. Monopoly handles all the money and property transactions. So how the game should go more or less? By pressing the top button and say "Pay rent on Marvin Gardens," and Mr. Monopoly transact the money to the other player account. The Monopoly Voice Banking Edition is the same as the regular Monopoly game but with "The Fast Dealing Property Trading Game,", as they write on the cover game board. In other words, when you host or planning a game night with some friends, it is an excellent way to play a little bit different.