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Pegasus Yacht Concept
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Pegasus Yacht Concept


People around the world have been eagerly awaiting designer Jozeph Forakis' latest revolutionary concept - the Pegasus Yacht. The luxurious yacht will be an unprecedented example of style, technology, and sustainability.

The boat features a sleek, low-profile hull with a plumb bow and a shining metallic finish that reflects the water's surface. To complete this effect, two multi-tiered glass wings extend from either side and reflect the sky above, providing passengers with an impressive sense of invisibility and privacy while underway. The Pegasus Yacht aims to be the first of its kind in another significant way - it will produce zero carbon emissions. Its solar panels harvest energy from the sun to convert saltwater into hydrogen, giving it virtually unlimited range. Furthermore, it plans to be the world's first 3D-printed superyacht. This cutting-edge technology provides a mesh framework for an exceptionally lightweight yet durable structure.

Finally, Forakis has thoughtfully designed several features for his signature Pegasus Yacht that are sure to dazzle guests. A multi-level "Tree of Life," a shimmering reflecting pool, and a zen garden will create an immersive experience that is as inviting as it is magnificent.

Jozeph Forakis' incredible design represents a bold step forward in sustainable luxury yachts with impeccable style and unparalleled amenities. This ground-breaking concept is sure to set sail among elite circles as one of the most extraordinary vessels ever created on sea, sky, or land.

Pegasus Yacht Concept
Pegasus Yacht Concept
Pegasus Yacht Concept
Pegasus Yacht Concept
Pegasus Yacht Concept
Pegasus Yacht Concept
Pegasus Yacht Concept
Pegasus Yacht Concept
Pegasus Yacht Concept
Pegasus Yacht Concept
Pegasus Yacht Concept
Photos Credit: 
Jozeph Forakis
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