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Virgin Hyperloop Passenger Experience
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Virgin Hyperloop Passenger Experience


Virgin Hyperloop is creating a revolution in transportation with its groundbreaking Hyperloop technology. The company has approached the design of its Hyperloop pods with a focus on safety, comfort, and approachability creating an immersive and impressive multisensory experience that includes fresh air, natural light, vibrant greenery, and soothing sounds.

The challenge of designing for limited space has been tackled by dividing the pods into two distinct zones with recessed seats for additional headroom designed to alleviate the sense of claustrophobia that can accompany high-speed travel. To further this effect, Man Made Music incorporated sonic techniques such as reverb to create the illusion of a larger space, while 12.29 added pleasant scents to help passengers relax. By incorporating elements of familiarity and reassurance as well as innovative touches, Virgin Hyperloop is helping make mass transportation faster and more efficient than ever before.

With test runs beginning in the near future, travelers now have more options than ever to get from point A to point B without sacrificing comfort or speed. This exciting development promises a new era of convenience and travel potential that will surely revolutionize transportation worldwide.

Virgin Hyperloop Passenger Experience
Photos Credit: 
Virgin Hyperloop
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