It turns out, the end of the world is inevitable, so Nabisco announced the Oreo Doomsday Vault for Its Famous Recipe. The architect Markus Thorland, whom you can see in the mockumentary-style video, designed and built the infamous vault in just 30 days, but took over two years for the Svalbard Global Seed Vault that located from there just down the road.
Moreover, the vault itself guard a stockpile of biscuits, and of course, the original Oreo recipe in case of apocalypse. Now, how exactly the Oreo's can last even inside the guarded vault? The Oreo cookies stored in mylar can withstand temperatures of -80 degrees (-62 °C) to 300 degrees Fahrenheit (148 °C), and without moisturizing and air to take effect on the delicious cookies. If you have a spirit of adventure, you can look up with the coordinates: 78° 08' 58.1" N, 16° 01' 59.7" E.