Two Years On A Bike book will urge you to escape from modern monotony and leave everyday life behind, and there is no more satisfactory way to travel than on a bike. Photographer Martijn Doolaard straps only the necessities onto his bicycle, embracing a life of minimalism while long-term exploring during two years going from Vancouver, Canada, to Patagonia, Southern Argentina. Doolaard's journey is more than just a bike ride; it's an exploration of the world and everything in-between. He brings back memories that will last him forever as he explores new places on his bicycle with nothing but time for companionship. His journey was breathtakingly beautiful as he took in all that it offered - both fascinating locals along with discoveries - stunning scenery beheld at every turn! This experience will undoubtedly awaken your thirst for exploration: Bikepacking permits you to do just this by enabling slower modes like touring or camping without having any set itinerary beforehand, which allows more time.